AI Says:

Uses of Hawthorn Fruit Culinary:

Jams and Jellies: The berries are commonly used to make preserves due to their natural pectin content. Teas and Syrups: Used to prepare herbal teas or syrups. Wine and Liqueurs: Fermented into beverages in some cultures. Snacks: Can be eaten raw (if not too astringent) or dried like raisins. Medicinal:

Widely used in traditional medicine for supporting cardiovascular health, as hawthorn is believed to help regulate blood pressure and improve circulation. Contains antioxidants like flavonoids and proanthocyanidins. Wildlife:

An important food source for birds and small mammals in autumn and winter.

#Photography #MakeToEscape #WinterIsComing

Clusters of red hawthorn tree berries hang among delicate, light-colored lichen.

Saturated Summer #Photography #MakeToEscape #Confluence #ColumbiaRiver #WillametteRiver

A colossal shipping freighter cuts through the sparkling waters of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers under a clear blue sky. On the sandy shore, beachgoers lounge beneath colorful umbrellas, pausing to watch the giant vessel pass.

Saturated Summer

#Photography #MakeToEscape #Confluence #ColumbiaRiver #WillametteRiver

Monochrome Winter Woods

#Photography #MakeToEscape #TryonCreek #Portland #Oregon #PNW

In monochrome: Leafless tall trees covered in green moss stand in a dense, lush forest in Tryon Creek State Natural Area.

Winter Woods

#Photography #MakeToEscape #TryonCreek #Portland #Oregon #PNW

Leafless tall trees covered in green moss stand in a dense, lush forest in Tryon Creek State Natural Area.


Mt. St. Helens rises above the Columbia River.

#Photography #MakeToEscape #PNW

A snow-capped Loowit (Mt St Helens) is seen in the distance above a forested area and the Columbia River under a clear blue sky.A snow-capped Loowit (Mt St Helens) is seen in the distance above a forested area and the Columbia River under a clear blue sky.

Welcome to PDX

#Photography #MakeToEscape #FlyPDX #AlaskaAirlines #MtHood #Portland #Oregon

An Alaska airplane is landing at the Portland Oregon airport with a snow-capped Mt Hood in the background.

Tee Time

#Photography #MakeToEscape #DiscGolf

A scenic disc golf course in a park landscape features a winding path, grass fields, trees, and a cloudy sky.

Fungus Amungus

#Photography #MakeToEscape #TryonCreekStatePark #Portland #Oregon

A cluster of wild mushrooms with light, fan-shaped caps is surrounded by green leaves and brown foliage.Coral-like fungi grow on a forest floor surrounded by fallen leaves and branches.Two orange-brown mushrooms with smooth caps are growing close together on a mossy, forest floor.White fungi resembling coral are growing among fallen leaves and twigs in a forest setting.A cluster of small, brown mushrooms grows densely in a natural setting.A cluster of densely packed mushrooms with smooth brown caps and slightly darker stems.

Fa Fa Fungus

#Photography #MakeToEscape #HeyNow

Two round, orange mushrooms are growing close together on a bed of moss with fallen leaves in the background.

High Noon, Low in the Sky

#Photography #MakeToEscape #WillametteRiver #WillametteValley #Oregon

A calm Willamette River reflects a line of trees and the sun in a clear sky.

Autumn’s Noon

#Photography #MakeToEscape #WillametteRiver #Oregon

A serene Willamette River landscape features tall trees lining the shore under a bright blue sky with scattered clouds.

Natural Palette

#Photography #MakeToEscape #WillametteRiver #Oregon

A fallen log rests in a forest adjacent to the Willamette River.  The log has been stripped better of all of its bark, and all that remains is a spectacular pattern of beetle damage. The damage appears as random lines but the artful pattern makes it seem intentional.

Natural Palette

#Photography #MakeToEscape #WillametteRiver #Oregon

No Swimming, No Diving

#Photography #MakeToEscape #WillametteRiver #Oregon

A calm autumn morning on the Willamette river near Portland, Oregon. The glassy surface of the calm river reflects the vertical lines of dock pilings, the I-5 bridge crossing in the distance, and the boat dock from where the picture is taken.&10;&10;A sign reading “no swimming, no diving” is featured on the boat dock.

December’s Blue

Tryon Creek State Natural Area, Oregon State Parks

#Photography #MakeToEscape #HikeADay #PORTLAND #OREGON

A serene forest scene features moss-covered logs, ferns, and leafless trees under a clear blue sky with sunlight streaming through.

Sunkissed Snowberry

#Photography #MakeToEscape

Delicate clusters of common snowberry are scattered across slender branches against a dark background in a black and white photo.Delicate clusters of common snowberry are scattered across slender branches against a dark background in a color photo.

Sunkissed Snowberry

#Photography #MakeToEscape

Coopers Hawk Walk

#Photography #MakeToEscape #birdphotography #PNW #OREGON

A Coopers Hawk with speckled feathers is perched on a moss-covered branch against a softly-lit background.

Looking forward to spring in the tulip fields at @woodenshoefarm

My single Black Friday purchase is a season pass for the spring tulips and summer sunflowers

#Photography #MakeToEscape #PNW #Oregon #WillametteValley

A vibrant field of multicolored tulips is set against the backdrop of a snow-capped Mt Hood under a clear blue sky.